Featured Articles

May 29

everything is merch

Is Millionaire Speedy a luxury bag or merch? What about the Balenciaga Maxi Pack? Some people's idea of merch is Trump’s gold high-tops. Merch as a status symbol. Merch as a subgenre. Merch as a style statement. Merch as an identity marker. Merch as something of...

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May 23

op-ed: chanel’s stellar numbers don’t tell the whole story

On Tuesday after the market close Chanel, a bellwether for the luxury industry, announced a 16% increase in revenues for 2023 for a total of $20 billion. On this great news the luxury stocks promptly lost 2% the next day, their biggest loss in a month. What...

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Feb 07

the best theory of why people buy fashion was written 125 years ago

Much ink has been spilled through the decades on theories of how we consume fashion – cultural, economic, behavioral....

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Jan 24

notes on paris fashion week — men’s a/w’24

Paris met us with rain and a general sense of misery, with Parisians grousing about the upcoming summer Olympics. The...

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Dec 26

op-ed: what the farfetch and the matches deals really mean

Last week marked not but two major fashion e-commerce deals, in which FarFetch and Matches found new owners. FarFetch...

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Nov 22

op-ed: why you feel alienated from luxury fashion (it’s not just the prices)

Recently I had dinner with a fashion and culture commentator who is based in Asia. He was describing the scene at a...

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